Saint Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is a congregation  Reconciling in Christ.  We welcome visitors of all backgrounds to join us for our Sunday morning worship, education hour and fellowship.


The Joy of Christian Community

It’s one thing to see the word “welcome” on a sign. It’s another thing to live it honestly. We try our best to be a church of honest and open welcoming. Walking into a new church for the first time can be a bit intimidating-a new place and many new people.  You will find genuine hospitality here.

The original Saint Paul in the Bible often described the church as the body of Christ, alive and at work in the world.  Jesus Christ is at the center of our life together.  Part of what that means is that we can we can afford to be of more than one mind (two? three? 500?).  We believe that living in a community with differences really matters. We seek to embrace and delight in the variety of all people and their experiences. Living with diversity is a mark of discipleship. It’s the way Jesus intended it.  It is a mark of love.

St. Paul is one of nearly 10,000 Lutheran Christian congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Through this ministry partnership, we’re linked with churches, seminaries, colleges, and social service agencies across the United States. Our mission commitments reach around the world.

We are a congregation committed to gathering, growing and giving.  We gather for communal worship and in smaller groups of fellowship and service.  We seek to grow in faith through lifelong learning.  We seek to give of ourselves and our resources as a matter of faith.  You’ll notice how many people commit themselves to the Lord in very generous ways. We give of our financial resources. We step up to serve. Some have time to volunteer regularly, others periodically.  We sense God’s calling through the various vocations of daily life in work, family and play.

Our gathering, growing and giving is motivated by a basic love — for a ministry that is faithful to Jesus Christ.  At St. Paul, we are welcoming and genuine.  You won’t find our lives untouched by sin or untarnished by suffering. But you will find people with the love of Christ in their hearts. That’s what holds us together. Come and see.



At St. Paul we are grateful for the gift of our church building, and we are pleased to share it with other groups, too.

We are happy to have The Cambridge Korean Presbyterian Church (CKPC) and the Sichem Eglise SDA sharing our space.  The CKPC holds worship Sunday afternoons and Friday evenings; for more information see their site at www.churchboston.org. The Sichem Church holds worship Saturday mornings; visit www.sichem.org for more information.

We also gladly provide our fellowship hall for meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. The group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm.

If you are interested in using our facilities, please contact the church office.